Educational Projects
The Legend of Battle Olympia
Genre: Couch Co-op, Sports
Engine: Unity
Team: 5 College Students (Lightning Noodles)
Duration: 5 Months
Platform: PC (With Xbox Controller)
My Role: Programmer
"The Legend of Battle Olympia" is a Couch Coop where players can customize their own legendary warrior and play against each other whether its a One V One or Two V Two, the aim is to kick the bomb into each others crystal to score points, 3 points and you've won, but after a certain amount of time the bomb will start ticking and then explode and if you too close you will die and lose a life, 3 deaths and your out.
This was the first project I worked on in a Team which allowed me to gain invaluable experience when it came too time management, communication during the pandemic, working remotely and writing clean, modular and easy to understand code.
This Project allowed me and other students to gain our Higher National Certificate in Game Development.
My Contributions:
✓ Programmed the Main Menu for the game.
✓ Programmed the Map Selection Screen.
✓ Programmed the Score / Point System.
✓ Programmed the Bomb Kicking.
✓ Programmed the bomb explosion System.
Boy-Man: Descent into the Pit of Sorrows
Client: Lucid Games
Genre: Dungeon Crawler, Rouguelike deck building game
Engine: Unity
Team: Stolen Cat (8 Students, University)
Duration: 4 Months
Platform: PC
My Role: Programmer
"Boy-Man: Descent into the Pit of Sorrows" is a Rougelike Deck Building Dungeon Crawler based on "Slay the Spire" and "Darkest Dungeon", in Boy-Man you play as a 4 characters lead by the one and only Boy-Man to delve deeper and deeper into the dungeon while battling several different enemy types who each have their own Attack Patterns.
The origin of how this project was developed was through a client led brief given to the group known as Stolen Cats by Lucid Games.
After Going through their brief the group started coming up with different ideas which were all great but in the end we decided to go with a Card Combat game inspired by "Slay the Spire", "Darkest Dungeons", 80s Art Style and for the main character He-Man.
Developing this project from start to finish allowed me to gain experience and skills which to this day I know I will always look back on, this varies from Pitching Project to Client, Play Testing Sessions, Bi-Weekly Meetings with the Client, Working in a team of students from different fields.
My Contributions:
✓ Programmed the Card System.
✓ Programmed the Enemy Spawn System.
✓ Programmed the Enemy AI.
✓ Programmed the Enemy Intention System.
✓ Programmed the Turn Based System.
✓ Programmed the Flee System.
✓ Programmed the Rewards System.
AI Companion Framework - Honours Project
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
Team: Solo
Duration: 5 Months
My Role: Programmer (Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints), Designer
For my Honours Project at Abertay University, I decided to look into problematic AI Companions in Videos Games and then Look into good AI Companions in Other Games to find out the best of practice solution which could be further developed into an AI Companion Framework I Developed.
I used this Project as a way to learn the Unreal Engine 5 Game Engine as before this I had only messed around once with the engine making a Dismemberment Prototype and my Primary Game Engine I developed all my projects on at the time was was Unity.
Key Takeaways:
✓ Researched Into Problematic AI Companions in Videos Games as a basis for an AI Companion Framework.
✓ Research Well Designed AI Companions and Mechanics to improve the Problem within the poorly designed AI Companions.
✓ Researched into making the player adaptable to certain situations.
✓ Learned AI Design and Creation using Behavior Trees.
Butterfly Effect
Genre: Puzzle Game
Engine: Unity
Team: 8 Students (University)
Duration: 4 Months
Platform: PC
My Role: Programmer, Game Designer (Level/Puzzle Design)
"Butterfly Effect" is a small Isometric Puzzle game that me and a group of students made for our University Assessment in Year 2, In "Butterfly Effect" you play as a robotic character who must travel back and change the past to affect the future/present time to complete puzzles in several different levels.
My Contributions:
✓ Arranged Weekly Meeting with the team to discuss progress.
✓ Created and Co-Presented Update Presentations weekly to our 3 Lecturers.
✓ Assigned Tasks to each member based on which task fitted their role.
✓ Designed some of the Level/Puzzles.
✓ Programmed the Main Menu.
✓ Programmed the Player Controller.
✓ Programmed the Dialogue System.
✓ Programmed the main Time Switching Mechanic.
✓ Programmed the Simple Enemy AI.
Engine: Unity
Team: Solo
Duration: 6 hours
Platform: Mobile (Android)
"Spectrum" was the result of a challenge I set myself, I decided to give myself 6 hours to make a mobile game. The aim of the game is to change the color of the wheel to match the color if the bullets shooting towards you, for every right match you gain a point and if you last long enough for the wheel to reach all the way round you gain an extra 3 points.
Challenge Requirements:
✓ Menu.
✓ Pause Menu.
✓ Score System with Save and Load.
✓ Gameplay Loop.
Game Jams
Game Jam: GJL Game Parade 2020
Theme: Seize the Day
Genre: Survival
Engine: Unity
Team: 3 People (Including me)
Duration: 2 days
Platform: PC
My Role: Programmer
"Anne-Mechi" was a project developed in 2 days by myself and 2 other people I knew from college, the idea behind the game is to defeat robotic enemies which during the day are easier to kill but during the night are harder to kill, we decided upon this as to fit the theme "Seize the Day". When you kill the enemies they drop a chest which can be looted for coins which can be used to buy enough Armour to venture into the cave to defeat the big boss.
My Contributions:
✓ Programmed the Shop System.
✓ Programmed the Loot Drop when enemies are killed.
✓ Programmed the Simple Enemy AI.
Game Jam: GGJ 2021
Theme: Lost and Found
Genre: Action Game
Engine: Unity
Team: 2 People (Including me)
Duration: 2 days
Platform: PC
My Role: Programmer
"CTHULHU'S ESCAPE" is a Project me and a friend created for the Global Game Jam 2021, with the theme being "Lost and Found" my friend suggested playing as a monster who has to eat scientists and find the exit and during this time I wanted to replicate the growing mechanic from Feeding Frenzy (yep that old game from 2004) so after some brain storming we decided upon the idea of only giving the player a certain amount of time to escape and every time they eat a scientist the timer goes up, the monster grows but makes them slower.
My Contributions:
✓ Programmed the Eating/Growing Mechanic
✓ Programmed a prototype for Procedural Generating a level but later got scrapped.
Cubo's Adventure: One Size does not Fit All
Game Jam: GMTK 24
Theme: Built to Scale
Genre: Side Scroller, Card Game
Engine: Unity
Team: 2 People (Including me)
Duration: 3 days
Platform: PC
My Role: Programmer, Game Designer (Level and Puzzle Design)
"Cubo's Adventure: One Size does not Fit All" is a side scrolling card game which allows the player to use any 3 cards to change his scale, whether that is making him small, big, long or even a combination of these. Depending on whats ahead will get the player to decide what cards they should use next.
With Life after University being so busy, I've not had much time for Game Development so when I heard about the GMTK24 Game Jam I cleared my plans, quickly grabbed a friend and used this as an excuse to get back into Game Development.
With Life after University being so busy, I've not had much time for Game Development so when I heard about the GMTK24 Game Jam I cleared my plans, quickly grabbed a friend and used this as an excuse to get back into Game Development.
My Contributions:
✓ Designed the Game
✓ Programmed the Menu.
✓ Designed The Levels.
✓ Designed and Programmed the Tutorial Levels.
✓ Designed and Programmed the Main Mechanic used for the Puzzles.
Smaller Projects / Mechanics
Dismemberment Prototype
Genre: First Person Shooter
Project Type: Pitch / Mechanic Prototype
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
"Dismemberment Prototype" was made as a prototype mechanic for a project me and the other students in University known at the time as "Stolen Cat" tried to pitch to our lecturers, Sadly they thought the project was too big of an over-scope, but in return we got the Lucid Games brief which led us to make "Boy-Man: Descent into the Pit of Sorrows."
Key Takeaways:
✓ Learned the basics of Unreal Engine 5.
✓ Learned the basic of Unreal Engines Blueprinting System.
✓ First attempt at Procedural Animation.
Resident Evil Inspired Camera System
Genre: Third Person Puzzle
Project Type: Honours Project / Mechanic
Engine: Unreal Engine 5
The "Resident Evil Inspired Camera System" Was created after doing research into different camera systems for Third Person Characters, After some research I found The Camera System from "Resident Evil 1" would work best with the type of project I was creating.
Key Takeaways:
✓ Used well Scripting Techniques when scripting this Mechanic, making the blueprints modular and easy to understand.
✓ Regularly tested Mechanic to catch problems early making it easier to fix.
✓ Research and Implemented Feature which solved picked up problems.