SPECTRUM Prototype (Mobile Game Challenge)
Core Goals
• Design a Gameplay Loop.
• Create a Score and High Score System.
• Create a Working Menu.
• Create a Working Pause Menu.
• Create Game in 6 Hours.
On Phone Build Gameplay Video
Create a Mobile Game in 6 Hours.
date - date.
Finding the Idea
I knew for this challenge I didn't want to make the project too big and complicated but the opposite so I started playing a bunch of small games on my Phone (Flow, Color Switch, Beehive Bedlam) and what they all had in common was that they incorporated Color into their game each in their own ways.
After playing these games I decided that I would create a game which used Color as its main Gameplay Mechanic.
Obviously I didn't want to just create a clone of the games I played show started sketching ideas until I found the one I Liked.
Gameplay Loop
Eventually I came up with an idea where projectiles are shot at a ring and depending on the color of the projectile will determine what color the player needs to make the ring, for every collision with the same color the player gets a point, for every time the ring becomes full the player gets an extra 3 points added to their score, and when there's a collision with different colors the player dies and need to restart.
I didn't want to make it too complicated so stuck with the common colors. Red, Green and Blue.
Color Changer
The first script I created was for the Ring in the middle of the screen, It works by allowing the player to change the color of the ring with just a tap, there are 3 colors it can change to which is Red, Green and Blue which is controlled by an Array.
The next function of the script works by having the Ring fill itself up, every time it succeeds the player gains 3 points, When it fills up it resets itself allowing for a loop within the game.
The final function of the script displays the players score in the middle of the screen for easy display.
The Second Script I made was for the Bullet/Projectile, this works by moving the bullet towards the ring when its spawned in, it then checks if it collides with the Ring and if it does checks to see if the projectile and Ring are the same color which if true spawns another projectile and gives the player a point.
if the projectile and ring aren't the same color the projectile gets destroyed, the players score gets Updated to check if its a new high score or not, it then displays the death screen.
Saving and Loading System.
When it came to saving the player best score I decided to use Player Prefs as I had the most experience with them and they are easy to implement.
whenever the player dies the manager script which check to see if the player current score is greater than their best score and if true replaces the best score.
It then saves the best score using the Player Pref, ready to be displayed the next time they die.
Menu and Pause Menu
As most of my time was spent on the actual Gameplay of the game, the Mneu and Pause Menu were designed quite simple.
For the menu i only included the title of the game, an Image/Logo and a Play Button.
Pause Menu:
For the Pause Menu I decided to include Text to show the game has been paused and 2 buttons, 1 for going to the menu and 1 for going back and continuing the game.
For the Title and Paused Title I included the colors used in the game and for every 2 character the colors change.
Each button in the game all have the same orange background color and white text.
✓ Design a Gameplay Loop.
✓ Create a Score and High Score System.
✓ Create a Working Menu.
✓ Create a Working Pause Menu.
✓ Create Game in 6 Hours.
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